Tuesday, May 5, 2015

100 Alien Baby Challenge! Is BACK!!

My YouTube: 100 Alien Baby Challenge - Pt 1 (orginal rules)

YouTube Updated Rules Video:

The Sims 4: Get to Work - 100 Alien Baby Challenge Pt 4 - It's BACK! (revised rules for mod) 

This is gonna be FUN!!!

What this is:

This is a twist on a popular challenge, "OFFICIAL" THE SIMS 4 100 BABY CHALLENGE [OR & GTW UPDATE]. Like I said, I gave it a twist, which I've been thinking about since my husband started playing Get to Work.

What's the twist:

Like the title says, your Sim must be a male sim!!! That's right, you must have those alien babies as a man! The original 100 Baby Challenge and updates always refer to the starting sim as a female, being a man definitely makes the challenge more difficult! Get abducted by aliens and start populating our sim planet with an alien horde!! Or the next best thing, hunt down an alien female and get pregnant with her alien spawn!

100 Alien Baby Challenge! Is BACK!! 

Thanks to a wonderful modder, TANJA1986 on the forums, we can now get our sims abducted AND our male sim pregnant by female aliens!! Woot! Her mods will be required to use, if you plan to do this challenge. It has been tested and is now available on MTS. This mod uses the science career's satellite invention to contact aliens and make abductions occur! I had to make small revisions to the challenge so it works with these mods. If EA ever fixes the issue, then the earlier rules will be used, but for now this is our only hope! Thank goodness for the sims modding community and Tanja1986! :D

*New Update (5/10/2015)Tanja1986 created a new *fixed for May patch* version of her alien abduction mod and it can be downloaded from MTS. You will need to take your old version out and use this new *fixed* version. EA's May patch changed some things involving Alien abduction and she fixed their mistakes in her new version. More details about that can be found in the description of Alien Abductions & Female Pregnancies on MTS. Please read all the information about the mod on their website. (This mod is now compatible with the latest May patch) This is the version we will be using, so as to add more difficulty to getting pregnant!

  •  Alien Abduction Mod ver. 1.2 (50% Pregnancy): 50% chance of either female or male pregnancy through an abduction.

Her new *fixed* version can be found here: 
At MTS under files down this version (Please be sure to download the correct version that we will be using)Tanja1986_AbductionMod1.2_50%_FIX.rar

*New Update (5/7/2015)Tanja1986 just created a new mod for us so we can get our male sim pregnant by woohooing with an Alien female!! She is the greatest!! Now she has created several different "flavors". The one we will be using is her newest one. This mod only allows him to become pregnant by Alien females. (These mods are compatible with the latest May patch)

  • Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% Pregnancy): 50% chance pregnancy for either female alien or male through the "Try for Baby" interaction. 

The new mod can be found here: Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% Pregnancy)

  • *New Update 05/10/15*- An add-on pack has been created that you can use along with the above male pregnancy mod. It is for "Tent Try for Baby (Outdoor Retreat). You are allow to use this in addition to the Male Pregnancy mod. You have to have that base mod for it to work. That mod can be found at Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% - Outdoor Retreat)

What is required to do the challenge: 

You may use both of the following mods, or either one you prefer.

To be abducted by Aliens:

  • You must download and install the mod Tanja1986_AbductionMod1.2_50%_FIX to your game. (Your PC > Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods)
  • You will need to use a cheat to get the satellite dish to make abductions happen. (*note* This is the only cheat you are allowed to use in the challenge.) 
  • Do the following:
  1. Control + Shift + C
  2. bb.showhiddenobjects
  3. Go to buy mode
  4. Satellite is in the misc electronics category (buy it)
  5. Place the satellite somewhere on your property
  • Select "contact aliens" on the satellite menu when you are ready to be abducted.
  • You may not be abducted right away. Best to use after 6 pm till 5 am. 
  • You may click "contact aliens" up to 3 times in one day. (*very important note* if you have visiting aliens on your property, do not click on "contact aliens" again. It could mess up your neighborhood npc's. You are warned!!)
  • Wait for an abduction to occur

To be impregnated by Alien females: 

  • You must download and install the mod Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% Pregnancy)  to your game. (Your PC > Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods)
  • This is the version of the mod we will be using, so that there could be a chance of failure involved. Please be sure to read her information about the mod and be aware of her warning that the female he is woohooing with can also become pregnant. This will not concern us in the challenge because we only have to take care of the children that he births. 
  • *New Update 05/10/15*- An add-on pack has been created that you can use along with the above male pregnancy mod. It is for "Tent Try for Baby (Outdoor Retreat). You are allow to use this in addition to the Male Pregnancy mod. You have to have that base mod for it to work. That mod can be found at Male Pregnancy ver. 1.2 (50% - Outdoor Retreat)

Tips for using the mods

One last important thing I would like to suggest, and something I will be making sure to do. If you don't want these mods to affect your other games/save files, then remove the mods from your game folder before playing your other games. 

Personally I have created a mod folder called mods for 100 ABC, it contains these 3 mods: my abduction mod with 50%, my male pregnancy with 50% mod and the addon Granite Falls male pregnancy with 50 % mod.  Just drag this folder to your desktop or somewhere you can easily find it, and then drag it back into your mods folder when you plan to play more of this challenge.

The rules are simple

1. Create a MALE sim as your starter sim. He can have any traits and aspiration. He must be a young adult. He must be single and the only sim in the household.

2. Aging must be set to normal.

3. You can live anywhere you can afford to buy with the starting money.

4. You may make money however you wish, anything goes, as long as you don't use a money cheat. This challenge is more about getting your man pregnant by aliens and having alien babies!:D

5. You may not get married or be in a relationship.

6. You may not move another sim into the household. It will be just the male starter sim and his alien horde!

7. You may only become pregnant by each Alien female one time!

8. You can not age up an alien baby until you get the notification that it's their birthday.

9. You can not age up an alien child early, unless they have fulfilled a childhood aspiration. Otherwise, they age up on their birthday.

10. You can age up a teen if they have an A in school. You can also age them up early if another baby is on the way and you need to make room for it's arrival. If so, the teen becomes a young adult and must move out on their own.

11. Any child reaching young adulthood must move out on their own.

12. When you have an alien baby and it makes you a full house, if there are no teens close to moving out, then you may send the alien baby/babies back to their home planet. If the alien baby has a local Alien mother, then the baby may be moved to live with it's mother, using manage worlds. 

13. The male sim can otherwise live a "normal" sim life. He can do what he wants and go where he wants like any other single father with kids.

14. Your male sim may use his reward points to purchase any of the potions or traits in the reward store, except for the Potion of Youth. (See below for using the Potion of Youth)

15. As the alien's gift to the starting sim for all the trouble he has been put through, the alien children have been given the ability to restore his youth. The Potion of Youth (1500 reward pts), reward must be purchased by one of his alien children and given to him as a gift. Your male sim must use the potion, before reaching the elder stage, to age back to the beginning adult stage. If you let your male sim become an elder, then you fail the challenge. Your starter sim is the sim who must produce the 100 Alien Babies to win the challenge!!

16. Just to make it clear...only alien babies birthed by your male sim count towards your goal of 100 Alien Babies! :D

Now have fun!! :D

*note to anyone doing this challenge- Please be sure to include a link to my YouTube channel in your challenge description and a link to this blog page for the rules.  Thank you!

  • If you are doing this challenge as a series on your YouTube channel please send me a link so I can share it in my description, and probably my blog at some point. 
  • If you do this for your personal game and would like to share please feel free to post screenshots or your stories on my forum 100 Alien Baby Challenge thread. Here is the link to the thread: 100 Alien Baby Challenge (forum thread) Or if you have a blog with your photos please do share with us on the forums too!

I hope this all sounds fun and exciting to you guys, because I'm really excited to give this a go!! I think it will be quite the challenge! If you have any questions about the challenge please leave me a message in the discussion section of my channel, comment below or send me a message on Twitter. These rules are a bit of a work in progress, so please don't forget to check back occassionally to see if anything has changed. So I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching! :D